There is something wrong with this picture, isn’t there? WHERE IS HIS HEAD?
I was walking around in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was a street named Princes-street. There were so many things to look at, shops selling Scottish Kashmir scarfs, kilts(Fun fact: men wear their kilts without anything underneath:P), there was also a store named Jenner’s department store ( beautiful historic building inside and out). There is a “Scottish” department in one of the upper floors well worth a look if you are interested in Authentic Scottish souvenirs.
There aren’t many cities in the world where the foremost shopping thoroughfare boasts an uninterrupted view of an ancient castle, but Edinburgh’s Princes Street does just that! It’s unique with its shops lining only one side of the street, leaving the opposite side a lush and verdant garden space giving shoppers breathtaking views of the old Town cityscape. If you’d like to see some pictures taken in Edinburgh, please click here and let me know!
As I was walking in awe, admiring the cobble-stoned streets that intertwined with the street I was walking on, I saw something that got me totally perplexed! A man moving his hands, talking, dancing as any normal person would but something was missing, HIS HEAD WAS INVISIBLE WITH HIS GLASSES FLOATING IN THE AIR. How is this possible? I was thinking to myself? How is he making this illusion so real?
I wasn’t able to go closer. There was a crowd of people surrounding him. I had to sneak my camera through a viewpoint between the crowd of people, kept the lens at 105mm and grabbed the shot as soon as I could. Then once I reached home, imported the photo, I zoomed into the photo as much as possible. I still couldn’t get it. I zoomed in more and could start seeing each pixel, Then I was able to see a very hair thin string connecting the hat and glasses to his neck. It was so brilliantly executed that it blended so well with the background. It is always so interesting to come across such creative people. The world is filled with them, including you!
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